Concealed carry refers to an individual’s right to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense purposes. In order to legally exercise this right in most states, individuals must first receive proper CCW training in how to handle firearms safely before applying for a permit through their local sheriff’s office or police station.

What is concealed carry?

According to the USCCA, concealed carry is the practice of carrying a concealed weapon on one’s person in public. Concealed firearms can be carried on a person’s body, typically in a holster or off-body in a purse, backpack or other specialized concealment accessories and garments.

Concealed carry weapons (CCW), also known as concealed firearms, are weapons that can be carried by an individual without being apparent to others that they are being carried. Some states limit concealed carry permit weapons to handguns, whereas others allow the carry of concealed weapons like electronic weapons, billy clubs and knives.

The importance of training

Before carrying a concealed weapon, you must first be trained in the handling of your weapon. The goal of concealed carry training is not only to teach students about guns and how they work, but also about state laws regarding concealed carry laws, how they differ among states and how those laws apply in different situations.

CCW courses cover topics like gun safety and storage requirements, marksmanship basics, legal issues surrounding self-defense, shooting on the range at various distances, reloading techniques (if applicable), carrying holsters/pouches with different types of clothing options based on weather conditions or workplace dress codes, and more.

Why do I need to get CCW training?

In some states, it is a legal requirement for you to receive training before obtaining a concealed carry permit. In other states, there may be no legal requirement but it is still a good idea. Training teaches you how to use a firearm and how best to protect yourself and others from danger while still practicing safe and responsible marksmanship. There are so many advantages to taking a concealed carry class before getting your CCW permit. The training teaches each shooter: 

  • How to safely use a firearm
  • Proper storage and handling in public
  • Shooting accuracy
  • Self defense tactics

Concealed carry is a step in the right direction when it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones from threats. The more you know about concealed carry training, the more comfortable you’ll feel carrying your firearm.

If you’re considering getting your concealed weapons permit (CCW), then it’s important for you to understand how essential proper training is for your safety.

The more you know, the more comfortable you’ll feel

The more you know, the more confident and comfortable you’ll feel carrying and handling your firearm. 

It’s impossible to be fully prepared for an emergency situation. However, we can try to learn as much as possible about the subject so that we have a good understanding of what needs to be done and how best to do it when faced with a stressful or dangerous situation. The better our understanding is, the more likely it is that we will act appropriately and stay calm in stressful or dangerous situations.

Complete your CCW Training at Main Line Armory

The bottom line is that if you’re going to carry a gun for self-defense, then you need to know how to use it. CCW training plays a crucial part in maintaining a safe and responsible community of gun owners, and should be a first priority in getting your CCW permit. 

Main Line Armory offers detailed instruction and real-life insight from Dan Barnett of Absolute Dynamics. His company trains police, SWAT teams, and law-abiding civilians. Dan’s background includes 18 years of law enforcement with 10 years of instructing. Particularly relevant to this class, Dan also spent time working undercover. During that time period, as well as today, he carries and trains exclusively from concealed positions. 

Learn weapon safety and manipulation, holster considerations, pros and cons of carry position, concealed drawing and holstering, and other marksmanship skills in Concealed Carry Training at Main Line Armory. For more information on this training, visit our website